Another Brick in the Wall...

I am not sure if I am in a Pink Floyd kind of mood or a Bob Marley one. Another brick in the Wall. Your brave boys just killed "at least" another 5 Iraqis including one child. Cholera is gaining, and we are foaming at the mouth... Even the clown, Ban Ki Moon is concerned. He was concerned last week about violence against women, but he did not say one word about the sectarian Shias whom you called "very oppressed", slaughtering women with impunity...But hey, they are only women. Why should you care?! Your other category of "poor oppressed" the Kurds, are flirting big time with oil companies, have bedded Israel, and have signed over 20 contracts so far. One of your famous douche bags that goes by the name of P.Cockburn in an article in today's Independent, was so generous...really. He said that there are 2.3 million internally displaced, one million of which are Kurds from Saddam's time. This douche bag, Cockburn went against all the statistics from...