The Uncensored Anger Manifesto - Part II

Warning : This sequel to Part I may contain strong language that may offend some of the readers . To those, I say: Skip it.

To whom it may Concern

So, you are stuck in a quagmire huh?
No shit Sherlock . What did you expect then ?
Did you expect a cake walk or did you think you will be tanning your ass in Baghdad like you do when you go on your yearly Caribbean vacation?

Yeah I know, you managed to have a little fun raping "Eye Raqis " from little girls, to boys , to women and men .
And I also know that a good deal of you managed to pocket a few hefty bundles of dollars .
Some through dubious contracts and some through sheer theft . Stealing the palaces , the houses and even the huts . Don't ever think anything goes unreported.
Or maybe you thought that you can walk into our holy places with your filthy boots, spit and piss on our holy book and kill our preachers and worshippers when in prostration at dawn and we will just stand there and turn the other cheek?
Or maybe you thought we will give you candies and roses or better still make a statue in your honor , a statue dedicated to Freedom and Democracy?
Tell you what , I will show you my gratitude . I want to offer you a statue , a homage for your valiant acts. I want to edify it in your name and in the name of your founding fathers , and in the name of your Mafia ancestors . Yes I will dedicate this work to you . It will be made of skulls and bones , painted in blood and feces.
Yes you read me right . The skulls and bones that you left in every single street you visited , the blood of innocents that you spilled and the feces in which you drowned the faces of your "detainees". And I will crown that beautiful statue of your acts with the genitals you hacked off . Remember those ? I do .
It will be an art work of phallic proportions dedicated to your virility and courage. A farewell token.

You don't like this language ? I will try another.

I will not be like this poor illiterate peasant who screams when he sees his family killed by one of your smart missiles and his tiny house destroyed :
"I don't want democracy , I want to live , your democracy is killing me".
No I will not do that. I will be civilized , I promise you .
I will be the nice "Ayrab" girl now . I will bow down to you and be very graceful. I will even put on my best show of tears and touch your heart with my pleas , so you can finally feel safe to look at me or hear me .
You like it when am so servile don't you ?
I will wear my best pair of satin gloves and use your other dialect. The dialect of the oppressed begging. This will make you feel like the Master and I know, you just love that high. The high of your grandiose arrogance .
I will say to you : Please understand , we are a backward "12th century tribal people"*, who are not used to democracy.
"We don't dig it"* . We are a tribal insane religious lot that thrives on "blowing themselves up". Your presence is just exacerbating this horrible trait in us . "We don't understand ballot boxes and votes , these are disgusting words"* for us and as a woman I can't even address you but behind a veil because gender equality is not something I am used to . Please leave us in our backwardness and pack your bags and go .

Does this ring better for you ? No ? Ok . Let me use a simplified version .

If neither dialect is comprehensible to you :The dialect of violence which you are so proficient at nor the Dialect of slavery that you just relish , then let me use plain English maybe you will finally understand :

Fuck off - Right back to where you came from.

* Sentences heard on Mike Malloy Radio Show to "sensitize" the American Public /5.12.06
** Painting : By Iraqi Artist, Rafa Nasiri.


Anonymous said…
THIS IS THE MESSAGE that all proud Iraqis should address to the criminal, arrogant, primitive, uncivilized, ignorant, filthy perverts and rapers,immoral WAR CRIMINALS, LIARS AND THIEVES (belonging to the anglo-american-zionist nations of killers and grave-diggers)who ever set foot on Iraqi soil and to all those who did not have the guts or the courage to oppose the aggression on Iraq.
Anonymous said…
thought you might enjoy this blog by an Iraqi woman.
datta said…
Great writing and spot-on as usual Layla.
Double thanks for turning me on to Nasiri.
You go right into the guts and core of the issues to the point that I think of you as a forensic poet!
Zaidan said…
Hear, hear.

I think the Iraqi resistance is fucking them off back to never, neverland in Arlington, no?

Long live the Iraqi resistance.

The day will come for the Green Zone Iraqis. Plenty of lamposts to hang from.
Anonymous said…
I Agree.
Alan the Red said…
Hey Layla Anwar, on behalf of the Goddess Nemesis, I wish you the very best. The stupid Yankees haven't broken you, have they? The new dawn is rising and they are going to suffer. Remember that cowards die a thousand deaths every day while the brave die but the once, and America is full of cowards, or they would not have attacked Iraq in their fear.
Layla Anwar said…
Lord Cerne Abbas, love your I just visited your blog but you have no comment section. So I will leave one here. I like your spirit . Keep it up.
Anonymous said…
Thank you layla, I want to FUCK YOU
Alan the Red said…
Hi Layla,

The comment from anonymous is typical of the reason I switched comments off, and is a perfect example of what scum Americans have become. There is nothing honourable about America any more. America has become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. That's why they chose the eagle as their national symbol.

Happy New Year to you, Layla. Do not weaken. Vengeance belongs to Nemesis, and not to their god.
Anonymous said…
This is hysterical.

Somewhere in the world, someone is playing a very small violin just for you and your righteous indignation.

I'll just laugh at you though. :)

The sense of self importance and sneering 'knowledge' of all the evils of the US military in evidence here are just delicious.

Oh but in a paean to the standing ethos of this blog, I'll intone what someone above wrote when they said 'long live the iraq resistance'. You know, shiites and sunnis killing each other and all that jazz.

Have a good one people! :)

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