Men, Power and Death...

Say, "O disbelievers,
I do not worship what you worship.
Nor are you worshipers of what I worship.
Nor will I be a worshiper of what you worship.
Nor will you be worshipers of what I worship.
For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."
(The Holy Koran - The Disbelievers. Surat 109)

What a macabre title ! Yet so true...

I am "privileged" to be a witness of the Iraqi tragedy. Privileged is not the right word, but maybe it is...

Privileged to be alive, privileged to bear testimony, privileged to have learned some hard truths the very hard a very heavy price...a deadly price...

But some important lessons only come that way...this is what I am left to conclude...and if I don't use this experience in a positive way, it will kill me too.

So what is positive about it? In itself nothing at all...quite the opposite...the only positive thing and again am not sure if positive is the right word -- but short of a better word that is probably eluding me right now -- the tearing away of myths and the awareness I was given by the force of circumstances, can be considered positive...and maybe I am to send a message to the world, an imperfect, incomplete message but a message nonetheless...

Tell me who you worship and I will tell you who you are. This is what am left with from the Iraqi tragedy...

I have realized that men worship Death...seriously am not kidding...the male gender loves killing, loves inflicting death - they worship the power they feel when they can terminate any means...

Men worship Power...they are the disbelievers, the arrogant ones who will not humble themselves in front of Creation...and its Creator...

Not all forms of power are negative...self defense is an obligation, a lawful one, but this not the power am talking about...the kind of power we are witnessing in this new world order is indeed a lethal one...a cowardly least in bygone days men were men, they used a sword and faced their opponents in the eye, they did not hide in super jets dropping bombs, nor did they hide behind guns, nor was gunpowder their smokescreen....

And why am I mentioning men here ?

I noticed that wars and occupations are led by men. I noticed that rape and torture are committed by men. I noticed that governments, industries, corporations, big business...the whole system is upheld by men...and the women who follow in their footsteps...

I noticed that men blame the "system" but that they contribute to it, perpetuate it, are part and parcel of it...

I, as a woman cannot divorce Iraq's tragedy from the male gender...or maleness...

I am no feminist,I don't need to be one...and I don't believe that all patriarchal systems are necessarily, inherently evil...nor are all patriarchs...but from what I have witnessed, I can tell you for sure that modern day man is the source of much evil...

And when am talking of modern day man -- am referring to all men, from all religious backgrounds and all nationalities....yes am generalizing...and I have every good reason to.

I am not into surveys and trying to fish out the good ones from the majority...I am talking of trends...and am talking of consequences...real palpable, tangible talking about Reality.

Men, the male gender is RESPONSIBLE for much of the tragedies, pain and suffering inflicted on this planet...

From wars of occupation, to prisons, to torture, to rape, to crimes, to polluting the earth....male power and its misuses are at the core of our downfall....and downfall it sure is...

By substituting himself for a God, the male allows himself all kinds of transgressions, all kinds of abusing his role of "vicegerent" on earth, men have turned this place into a hell...a living hell...

Whether he is a Jew, a Muslim, a Christian, an Atheist, or Agnostic, or anything does not matter anymore...he is leaving the ugliest footprints behind him, he's leaving a legacy of pain, grief, corruption and death...a spiritual, moral, physical death...

Everything he seeks to build with one hand, he destroys with the other...he can wipe away years of hard work with one destructive lethal act...he can break hearts, souls and bodies rendering them useless, impossible to piece together again...

He has worshiped himself as a God, has turned God into his own image, and has turned religion, ideology and the rest to suit his own destructive instincts...

Imbued with self, or more aptly illusions of self, a disconnected self, drunk with power, the male gender has wrecked havoc on all fronts....

A slave of his own ego, his own greed, his own lust, he believes himself to be free...when he is nothing but a slave...

Masquerading behind religion, principles, ideologies...he is nothing but a clown that can't even make you laugh no more...he will wear a thousand masks as long as he is not asked to look into himself, his gender, his own masculinity and what it means to be a man...he will continue day in, day out, like a robot, like the machines he constructs daily...until it breaks down...until he breaks down...then he cries out for help, only to realize that he is so alone and has always been so alone...

His refusal to look within and ask the hard questions, his egomania, his lack of connectedness with the Source of all Living things has turned him into a soulless, dead being himself...and I don't really care how many churches, temples or mosques he attends....and I don't care how many books he has read, and I don't care how many articles he has written....

You see am a typical female - I don't care much for your God, your Jesus Christ, your Elohim, your Hindu Divinity, your Buddha, your Marx, your Engels, your Darwin, or whatever other false god you worship...I look at your deeds, your acts and I check if they match/follow your words...basically I look if you walk the talk...and hardly any of you do...

You see am a typical female - I look at end results. And when I do so, I see men laboring day and night to crack some invention, some genetic code, some discovery, some formula, some equation...and I see their work serving Death...

You see am a typical female - I see the morgues, the prisons, the torture marks, the rapes, the mass graves, the blood, the explosions, the weapons, the toxins, the poisons, the widows, the orphans, the deformed infants and I see your male hands everywhere...behind these pictures...I see your male hands and the women who follow you in your shadows...

You see am a typical female - I give Life and you have given nothing but Death...

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