Post Nasal Blues ...

I get a weird form of Sinusitis...the doc calls it postnasal drip. So when the cold or "kewl" season arrives, I take all my precautions...

I'm an obsessive Arab. I wash everything. But I can't wash away those nasal blues...

The other day, I overheard that postnasal drip. I was kind of stuck, could not run for the nearest exit, as I usually do, in such unfortunate circumstances.

That squeaky, mousy, nasal shit was being drilled in my some long whine, a never ending whine...

I have sensitive ears...I do, really.

And these drawn out words were doing me in...

I felt the panic rise in me...breath deep woman. In, out...inhale, exhale...

This is what happens to me every time I hear an American accent...something in me snaps and flips.

I shared that with a friend ...who assured me I was not insane. He told me -- you just have the American postnasal blues and it keeps dripping...

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