Stop Floating.

The nice thing about blogging is that you really don't need to tow to anyone's political expectations...and frankly am getting tired of the Flotilla story...

Article, after article, after article...

Come on folks, did it take the lives of 9 Turks to make anyone realize the despicable nature of the Zionist entity ?

I get rather irritated when people get carried away with too much emotionalism.

Sure thing - anger is justified, so is the rage...prosecution is called for, lifting/breaking that damned siege is a must...but please let us not lose sight of the bigger picture...

Someone once remarked to me - politics are for eagles, not sparrows...and eagles have this capacity to look at the bigger picture, because they can hover high enough...

New terms are making their way into the political discourse...just today, I heard of the new TRIANGLE - Turkey, Iran, Syria...In another instance, Erdogan is likened to Saladin...and Ahmadinejad to Cyrus the Great...

Please folks, don't turn tragedy into comedy...getting carried away with a few slogans do not effect change...

Keeping a perspective, is keeping your head cool...collective hysteria is no solution...

Turkey still has ties with Israel, bilateral ties of military and economic nature...
Iran is still occupying Iraq, and Syria, in its typical political opportunism, is latching on to the so-called big regional players...

Flotilla this and Flotilla many Iraqis, Syrians, Egyptians, Lebanese, etc...died for the Palestinian cause ? Does anyone ask this question if at all ? Does anyone remember them, if at all ?

They numbered way more than 9 for sure...

And those who did not die for the Palestinian cause, gave millions of dollars instead...literally millions of dollars. And besides Iraq, Saudi Arabia is one of them. It has poured millions of dollars to Arafat then, and millions of dollars to Hamas now.

I am giving you facts, not some bullshit.

And Hamas keeps playing that dirty game...the dirty game of typical Palestinian political minute it drums for Iran, one minute it drums for Turkey, but one thing for sure, Hamas does not drum for the Arabs...none of them...

So I will remind everyone that Turkey has relations with Israel even though they are shaken for the moment. And I will remind everyone that Iran has collaborated with the Great Satan the U.S in Iraq and has divided Iraqi society with its sectarianism through its parties and militias....and that those "backward" Arabs did fight tooth and nail both the Ottoman and Persian Empires (over and above the Western one) and that this new Turkish Renaissance or that the Persian Revival were not possible at all without the DESTRUCTION of IRAQ - of ARAB IRAQ.

And I will keep hammering this fact into your heads...because you don't really need to be a reader of geopolitics to understand that simple evident TRUTH.

Now, I will leave you to think and think beyond your noses and beyond your slogans, if it is at all possible...and if by chance you do manage to conjure up anything remotely logical, you will understand that IRAQ was and is at the core of it...

And just because we are obscured from your news and your TV screens does not mean we are not here....and it certainly does not mean I am not here to remind remind you once more, again.

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