Arabia Felix in the Grinder.Yemen etc...

It is so weird this blogging business, well it is in my case...
Whenever I think of a topic I may need to deal with and procrastinate over, things start happening around me, from different totally unrelated sources ,nudging me and I must say strongly at times, to get on with it...
Take for instance the subject of Arabia Felix - ancient name for Yemen.
I remember it was during the month of May 2009, while I was washing the dishes in a most monotonous manner, that Yemeni alarm bells flashed in front of my eyes right above my sink...Believe it or not but it's true. I had that sinking feeling that things were going to get out of hand in Yemen and that was back in May 2009.
I left the dishes in the sink and rushed to my computer and researched a little about Yemeni news, since Yemen was not being covered at all by any media outlets...and this is when I wrote on the 20th of May 2009, "Who's next for dinner ?"
Call it conspiratorial paranoia, but ever since the right wing U.S administration and its Zionists like Richard Perle (former adviser to Bibi Netanyahu) and other neocons concocted the blatant lies about Shiite oppression in Iraq...and ever since the Left and its other Zionist Chomsky spoke of "oppressed Shiites in the Arab world", my antennas have been up...
And I've mentioned it time and time again in almost all of my posts and I shall repeat it again tonight - wherever, whenever the Imperialist "Great Satan" needs to work out its plan, the "Axis of Evil" Iran will willingly play the sectarian card in the grand scheme of Divide and Rule. I will never cease repeating that.
I also mentioned time and time again, that after Iraq, will come Pakistan and Yemen and the ultimate stop over will be Saudi Arabia. Of this, I am certain. I have even given you the ideological (alongside the economic reasons) for that. But I don't wish to get into this angle now, I want to concentrate on Yemen which happens to find itself in a grinder and par la force des choses, Saudi Arabia has been drawn into the conflict as wished for by the partisans in Washington, Tel Aviv and Tehran.
And before you jump to your guns and accuse me of being a defender of feudal Wahhabi theocracy, and frankly I don't care if you do, try using your brains a little and try to differentiate between current partners and long term plans. In other words, the Saudi Royal family is NOT Saudi Arabia. Am talking of the destruction, weakening, partitioning of the Arab/Muslim world (as a concept however imperfect it is and even if you don't believe in it) and not about temporary clans and rulers...
And the best way to drain a country of its resources, again use your brains, resources is not only raw matter, but capacity, cohesiveness, brains, human energy, planning, development, growth, future vision by unleashing internal strife and conflict, border conflicts included...
So getting back to Yemen... I've been procrastinating writing about Yemen, maybe because in my head, it is now a done deal...and every time I know I should/must write about a topic and fail to do so, I am nudged through synchronicity i.e through totally unrelated events from different sources, pushing me to finally broach the subject I've been postponing...
I will not cover what is actually happening in Yemen now, all the details about Houthis fighting, the thousands of Yemenis displaced in very dire conditions, the weakening of the central government, the triggering of mistrust, the latching on political opportunism of the Yemeni opposition, the drawing in of Saudi Arabia in the conflict through a war of borders...and last but not least the sudden resurgence of Al-Qaeda in Yemen...
I want to devote this Yemeni chapter to Iran and the Left. And we'll take it from there.
The Left (also known as liberal,progressive) or as Reza Fiyouzat, the Iranian blogger in an excellent post calls them the clueless idiots, and I think Reza is being too polite here. I would call them the paid, sell out hypocritical bastards and in particular the Arab Left -- from journalists, to reporters, to media, to bloggers, to self proclaimed expert farts...
This grotesque group take on the Yemen story is roughly as follows : Saudi Arabia bad, Iran good. Yemen bad because helped by Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is Wahhabi, Wahhabi is pro-Israel, Wahhabi is Al-Qaeda. Iran good because anti -Israel,"anti Zionist and anti-Imperialist" And after all they are Muslims...
Of course for these cheap sell outs, it does not matter that Iran and its militias ethnically cleansed Iraq in collaboration with the Great Satan, nor does it matter that Iraq is now partitioned Balkan style, nor does it matter that a sectarian theocracy puppet government is in place, nor does it matter that the Zionists are literally ruling Kurdistan whom they supported with their "Free Kurdistan" of course not, none of that matters, because Iran and its cloned sheep in Lebanon and its fiery driller in Baghdad threw a few anti-imperialist rhetorical words down their way. The cliche jargon that these lapdogs swallow like bones without even chewing...
So according to those luminaries, the Houthis are another oppressed minority in Yemen, and some would even go as far as saying they are the majority. Like they did in Iraq and in Baghdad in particular where for every 1 Shiite, 3 Sunnis were killed and that is the official data from an American study (and it's a must read) and the rest were exiled to Syria and Jordan and elsewhere, bringing down the Sunni ARAB population in Baghdad alone to a mere 10%. And the Arab left hailed that as a great victory, because in the putrid minds of the Arab left, every Sunni is a Wahhabi and every Wahhabi is Al-Qaeda and pro-Zion and anti-Palestinian.
And that is how Iraq remains the Zionist Americans and the Zionist Iranians with the blessings of the Left !
So back to the Houthis, the Shiite "oppressed" rebels. A quick look at recent events are quite important, without going much into details as those are available online. And am using these details as an please use your brains en contrepartie.
A few weeks ago, the Yemeni government accused some elements in the Iranian government (trying to be diplomatic) of arming the Houthi rebels. A ship carrying Iranian arms was caught off the Yemeni coast, Iran denied it and two days later, another piece of news stated that the crew on board, destroyed all documents that implicating Iranian involvement. Then a few days later, Iran's FM M.Moutakki planned a visit to Yemen, which the Yemeni government declined to accept. Then a couple of days later, and this is very important, 5 Yemeni army officers were ambushed and murdered by Al-QAEDA and this according to the BBC. A piece of news that went unnoticed...
Now the Arab left luminaries and their shit analysis wants us to believe that Al-Qaeda is being pushed by Saudi Arabia in Yemen to kill the Houthis. Yet Al-Qaeda killed the Yemeni army officers. Saudi Arabia issued statements, stating that the Houthis and the Al-Qaeda were working together. Saudi Arabia said the truth. I will get back to that point later on as it has important implications...
Several reports then came out, pointing to heavy losses among the Yemeni army, in October alone, over 100 Yemeni soldiers were killed and the moral is very low as "the army did not know who it was fighting anymore..." in other words, there are not only the Houthis rebels involved in this conflict.
The conflict was pushed to the Saudi borders as expected, with the kidnapping and killing of several Saudi army officers...and 240 villages in Saudi Arabia have been evacuated and 50 schools closed as per the UNICEF report....
The Yemeni government insists that Iran is funding this sectarian movement and Iran denies it. Yet, a very interesting report came out in Watan Al Arabi 31/10/09 with the title "Tehran Aims to Turn Yemen into a Regional Arena for Conflict, as Part of Its Ongoing Dispute with Several Countries in the Region"
The article also states that there are training camps in Eritrea, run by the Iranian Quds Brigades (IRGC)-- yes the same ones that are running the show in Baghdad. Not mentioning the acquisition of land by people with direct links to Iran and to the Houthis in the Yemeni Maydi province where the Northern Yemeni port is, and where the last Iranian ship was caught transferring arms from the Asab port in Eritrea to Maydi port in Yemen, just a few kilometers apart.
The article then says that : on the 29th of October "One Houthi commander, Sheikh Abdallah Al-Mahdoun, who [had turned himself in], revealed [in October 2009] Iran's role in fanning the flames of the conflict in Sa'da, acknowledging in a newspaper interview that 'the Houthis had received unlimited help in arms and supplies, under the oversight of the IRGC and also of experts from Hizbullah.' He added that 'rebel leader 'Abd Al-Malik Al-Houthi had told him that things are going their way,' and that 'this is how they will restore the culture of Persia [to its glory], and will not stop at any border."
Please note that Hezbollah experts have trained the Mahdi Army of Muqtada Al-Sadr in Baghdad and no it's not to fight the Americans nor the Israelis, but to ethnically cleanse Baghdad city of non Shiites.
Four weeks ago, the Sadrists, yes the drillers of Muqtada Al-Sadr, first offered to mediate between the Yemeni government and the Houthis, then the last piece of news from their official website Nahrainnet, about 3 days ago, is an outright condemnation of the Yemeni government and accusing the Saudi government of using Jordanian commandos to fight the Shiite rebels. This is what I call spreading fire !
Of course at this stage two questions pop up : What has Hezbollah and the Sadrists drillers have to do with Yemen? Sectarian patronage and loyalty no doubt.
Let's continue...
On the 10th of November Iran's FM, Moutakki assured the Houthis of Iran's support and warned against "foreign intervention in Yemen" referring to Saudi Arabia bombing the rebels in its Saudi territory, all the while, continuously denying in the pathetic Shiite Taqiyya way, any Iranian involvement with the rebels. His warning went as far as to say : "Those who pour oil on the fire must know that they will not be spared from the smoke that billows..."
This has sent a few of the Gulf countries in a frenzy with : The turmoil in Yemen has sparked fears that Yemen could become the most dangerous new front in the War on Terror...and...regional tensions too have deepened as a result of the conflict in Yemen. Bahrain and Kuwait, both concerned about Shia influence in the region, together with Morocco have expressed their support for Saudi Arabia in attacking Houthi fighters. The show of solidarity between Arab states joins accusations leveled against religious schools affiliated to Shia beliefs and Iran for their support of the Houthis...."
And while this is going on, Ayatollah Jannati in Tehran is talking of a Shiite oppression and extermination, echoing in perfect unison, the claims of the Zionists in the White House, like Richard Perle and Co, and those of the tragico comic Left of Chomsky and Co.
So getting back to Al-Qaeda as I said I would...Al-Qaeda in Yemen is playing the exact same role it played in Iraq. In Baghdad, ask any Baghdadi and he will tell you there is no Al-Qaeda, they are all intelligence operatives, at the beginning they were run by the CIA and the Mossad and today they are run by Iran Quds Brigades.
The same goes for Yemen. That story that went unnoticed of the 5 Yemeni army officers ambushed and killed by Al-Qaeda, is a replica of the tactics used in Baghdad and other parts of Iraq by the USA and now by Iran. In other words, just in case you're not getting it: Al-Qaeda is also being financed and armed by Iran. And I've said it before, a top AQ leader no.2 in Iraq, is said to be hiding in Iran...
Yemen is in a bad state, very bad and deeply concerning. And as I mentioned in my post of 20th of May, there is not only the sectarians funded by Iran in the North, but there is also the southern separatist movement that is now ganging up against the central government as it is weakening, there is also the economic and serious water crisis, coupled with the grave refugee situation with well over 50'000 displaced in a few months only, in terrible conditions, plus the poverty, plus the very low moral of the army, and to top it all off Al-Qaeda.
Yemen is definitely in the grinder. But not only Yemen...
Iraq for 8 years kept the Shiite revivalist fascism at bay with one million Iraqi dead, in a bleeding war of attrition, and protected the Arab Gulf including the despicable Kuwait and the rest of the parasites...(not Yemen though. It had a very honorable stand) only to have them turn their backs on us...and now...
Well now, let them face the Persian music alone.
P.S: Wanted to write about Yemen's Jews and their secret transfer to the US in April 09, in preparation for...but will leave that for another post. This one is already too long.
Painting : Iraqi artist, Ziad Bakury.