A Waiting Wretchedness..

Unfortunate in your circumstances ? Anguished ? Agonizing ? Victimized ? Forgotten ? Wretched creature. A surplus on this earth. There is no place for you. Wretchedness. The forgotten people. Left in some corner of this world. Voices unheard. Talking in the dark. In the Nothingness. In the Void. Smiling at strangers, all alone, in recluse...awaiting miracles. The miracle of Death or the miracle of some Divine Intervention. It all becomes the same. It's the waiting in secret anticipation, in a secret hidden hope, somewhere lodged inside of you, that keeps you going... Otherwise, life is the same. A waiting room in a doctor's office, waiting for the final prognosis. A cubicle in a court room, waiting for the final verdict. You look around, and you see no one. No doctor, no judge and no jury. Yet it seems, feels like you are in line. You have taken your place in the queue...waiting. Nothing forthcoming. Waiting...waiting...and in the waiting, you forget what you have actually been...