
What a surreal evening...bloody hell, I still am coming to terms with it. It started off on a smooth note and degenerated into the all too familiar - hmmm,what shall I call it ? I don't know, you name it for me... I went out with Z. for dinner. Z. remarked that he found me "absent" at times, tonight...I was unaware of being "absent", but then sometimes am unaware of too many things...so I asked him, - You feel am not present enough ? - No, it's not that you're not present enough, it's that at times you're in another place, a place where you seem unreachable...where do you go to ? He caught me off guard... - I go to where my heart is. Giving him an open ended reply -- for him to figure out... I think the very powerful dream I woke up with, left me in some limbo place...and I carried that feeling with me all day. I dreamt I was in what looked like a hospital ward and at times a huge prison. The hospital ward was full of bare beds, rows of them...al...