Arab World Blues...

There is not one corner of the Arab world that is not being turned upside down...

Why is that ?

What is this wabaa in Arabic, a plague in English that has caught up with us ?

Could that plague be called democracy ? Like after Iraq's style of Freedom and Liberty?

Sure, we have problems, had problems. But our problems are not any worse than yours...frankly not.

Looking at the bigger picture, we are not any worse than you. Actually if we were, you would not be flocking in mass, trying to learn the language, eating falafels and hummus and trying to figure out the "culture".

OK so you hate Arabs, many of you do. I never really understood where your inferiority complex came from...must be the language barrier, like the radical language barrier...

What is this obsession and fascination of yours with the Arab world ? Come on let's have it.

Apart from oil. Now, I know you can get intoxicated just thinking of it...but there is more to it. I know so. I viscerally know so.

I know the secret...

You are so obsessed with really are. It has gone beyond fascination, it is something else...

I know the secret...

I know what that something else is all about.

But I will leave you to stew in your obsession...and what you can't attain by grace, you try to attain by force...and either way it won't work...and either way, you will never win...

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