Nimrud's Lamentations, Nimrud's Wrath - Part 5. (final)

Finally gathered the courage to finish this post. For the previous series click on 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 . This subject literally tears me apart...I needed some distance, time and space distance...a cooling down period...hard to cool down when I know, that all previous historic invasions did not manage to destroy Iraq's past but this filthy anglo-american, iranian one did.... Never in the history of Mesopotamia, has Iraq suffered as much damage to its civilization and culture as it has today...not even the Moguls known for their barbarity, managed to erase so much... It pains me a great deal...and the pain is real, very is not some nostalgia... it is a raw wound covered with a red, hot rage...I will never forgive americans, brits and iranians for what they've done to Iraq. NEVER ! And I will never forgive how they destroyed our history, our archeological sites, our monuments, our archives, our libraries...I will never forgive how they smuggled, traded in our artif...