A Wound That Will Never Heal...

God works in the strangest of ways....He, She, It expresses itself in the multitude..and in Silence...

God is God...and I am me.

God is never wounded...theoretically so. Since He is omnipresent and omnipotent...

I beg to differ.

God was crucified in 2003, when you forfeited your conscience.

Since, it's been a downhill ride... God's name is called upon 5 times a day and once on a Sunday..God laughs at you.

He's saying - I don't need your rituals today, I need your Truth.

The Truth that no one would utter no more...the truth that was, that is...the truth that remains...hidden under heaps of politically correct covers, under blankets of forgetfulness - the truth of the greatest armada since world war II, as per the acknowledgment of one of your highest Pentagon officials.

What for ? is the question I keep asking myself... No WMD's, no ties to Al-Qaeda...literally an innocent people and an innocent country...What for ?

Oil, your alternative websites cry...drink the fucking oil. Drink it.

Why...is a question that keeps harassing me...that robs away my sleep...why is a question that turned 5 million children into orphans....

Why is the question that harasses me like an unwanted hand that gropes me in the dark...

I can't take your silence, I cant take your deafness..I can't take any of it...8 years on....You cover up the shouts, and in my ears they reverberate. They keep reverberating. They shake my being...until justice is done...until the wound accepts to heal...

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