Police & Expose them !

I just love exposing the motherfuckers. I tremendously enjoy cornering them in their own turf. I relish shedding light on them...I thoroughly enjoy deconstructing them and skinning them and their arguments away....in the garbage bins , in the dustbins, into the rubbish that they are... Remind yourselves, you are dealing with rubbish people. With rubbish minds, and rubbish arguments and a rubbish rationale...Get to them. So easy and I will tell you how. Take for instance the subject matter " The Iraqi POLICE ". Lets take that one as an example, a detail... Prior to our " liberation", we were told that we were living in a police state, being policed by a monster state apparatus with its policed security called mukhabarat , We were also told that we were not allowed to utter a single thing because we were a policed people. living in a policed country, like a fucking fortress that no one could penetrate - and rightly so. For we have seen what your "penetration...