A Corner of " Peace "

I have been listening to some Sufi music. Sufi music is exceptionally beautiful. It has many varieties ranging from West Africa to its Horn and into North Africa, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, occupied Iraq, occupied Palestine, Iran, Turkey, and right into the Balkans. It also covers the Indian subcontinent with the Kawwali version, all the way to Malaysia, Indonesia, and into the remotest part of Central Asia including China. Wherever you find Islam, you will find some form of Sufi music like a temporary cloak of Peace. Whenever I listen to Sufi music, I feel as if there is one corner of the world where it is always peaceful. That corner is not to be found on any geographical map but as the sufis say, it is in the Heart. The famous compass for all maps. Whilst being carried away by the melodies, I felt that corner of Peace. And in the midst of it, I thought I heard God speak. You see, it is not only Bush that hears God speak. I heard God too. He said and this time He took on a masculine aura...