Something about "Liberation"...

This "liberation" has done us in. There is not one person I know who has not been affected and whose life has not been altered, read - forever changed by so much "liberation". You don't even have to be an Iraqi. This "liberation" has served as a perfect mirror reflecting the moral bankruptcy of some and the resilience of others... Those who are faithful to Iraq - the concept of it - (now we are talking about concepts since the Reality of what was Iraq is something of the past!), those who are close to Iraq in spirit and mind lose sleep too... I have received tons of mails from all over the world. Africa, India, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the USA. Those who are close to Iraq in spirit feel alienated from their peers. They suddenly feel out of place, they suddenly no longer feel as if they belong to what was deemed a "familiar" environment. This "liberation" has affected them too... Seems they, too, are as unable to handle so m...